Friday, July 9, 2010

Dream school...

It's been a persistent thought. It's so inviting that I can even call it a fantasy. To be running a creche a.k.a day-care a.k.a playschool, on my own; of course with efficient staff to do all the work, and I would do nothing other than playing with the kids!!

[Shot during the Chennai Photowalk #31]

Adverts like this, across the city, apart from helping me keep the idea alive, also kindles the curiosity in me to question the naming convention followed so ardently by all the playschools:
Roots to Wings
Blooming Buds
Little Angels
Tiny Tots
Birds' Nest
Apple Tree
Tender Feet

Why stick to the aesthetic & poetic & downright indicative names? How about moving on to the more pragmatic -
Smiles & Wails
Jolly Brats
Crawl and Drool
Funky Monkeys
Prankster's Garden
Brawl & Crawl
Naughty Tykes
Merry & Cranky

Or a little more provoking:
Pay to Play
Pay-Care (Point-blank at working mothers: Pay to care and take care of your pay)
Wean & Dine :D
Bum Chums

Should keep adding to the list, so that I can pick the best name for my school where all I would do is play!